Monday, October 2, 2017

An Incomplete Circle!

The ring road is broken!!!!  I found out this morning in Myvatin (about ¾ of the way around the ring road from Keflavik) that one section would not be repaired until at least Friday due to a flood that washed away the bridge!  Okay.  So I began my journey after spending a night in Myvatin and going to their version of the blue lagoon (blue, hot, not nearly as crowded, not as expensive and smells like the devil himself belched sulfur).  I can still smell it!  The campground was really nice and had a cappuccino machine for cheap, so I was okay with it.  Left there at 8:30 and here I am in Selfoss in the South of Iceland.  I had to stop myself from stopping at every beautiful landscape so that I would get here before dark.  I did, however, make one stop to walk up approximately 700 stairs to see a caldera (actually two calderas).   Turns out the island is not that big and I made it in plenty of time to walk into town, meet some people and take some photos.  I saw some socks in a window of a shop and went in to inquire as to their cost.  Turns out they do not sell them.  They will sell you a pattern on how to make them and sell you yarn.  The only things they had for sale were from India and Nepal!! Hmmm.  Since I bought a bottle of wine (the liquor store was hidden behind an apothecary (drug store) and had I not met some people from Pittsburgh, I might never have found it.  Anyway, since I bought a bottle of wine and didn’t have a corkscrew, I was in a dilemma.  While walking, I found a second hand store and inquired if they had a corkscrew.  They didn’t know what the thing I bought (for less than a dollar) was.  I, being a wine connoisseur, figured it out right away and showed them.  They, not being winos, smiled and still sold it to me for 50 kr.  Hope I can get it on the plane!  Here's some photos. 
Gravel Road Sheep Face-Off

Village on a Fjord

More Icelandic Horses

Game of Thrones???

Fog Moving In - I Later Drove Through This Fog!!!

Godafoss Waterfall

Smelly Hot Springs

Lake Myvatin at Sunset

Caldera 1

Caldera 2

The Amazing Corkscrew
Wine Glass


  1. Leave it to you to find a corkscrew and glass in one. Love it. Wish I was there!

  2. Looks like you're having a good time. Will you post some pictures of your camper?

  3. Post the darn camper!! ;) that corkscrew wine glass is pretty clever, definitely right up your alley ha! The rest of the photos are so beautiful, they look like something from a fairytale. What a magical place. I want those steps here in Sonoma County! Love you

  4. Oh and make some rock people for the property!! So silly :)

  5. I like the rock people! And smelly hot springs and where's the camper?
