Sunday, February 21, 2016

Nepal So Far

From my arrival in Kathmandu until my recent arrival in Pokhara, it has been a really interesting journey.  That's putting it mildly!  The people of this country are fantastic - friendly, kind and always smiling - an it seems genuine!  With my guide, Raju, I have eaten momos (dumplings to die for), seen the devastation that took place in last year's earthquake, visited Stupas and temples both Hindu and Buddhist, and went to a crematorium (the most sacred one in Kathmandu) where I saw a body prepared and burned.  That was all on my first day!
Today I traveled by bus with Ram, my trekking guide, to Pokhara.  What should have been an uneventful trip of 6 hours ended abruptly due to . . . we don't know!  But there were buses and trucks - hundreds of them - just stopped and waiting.  After more than a half hour, we just bailed and took a taxi that drove us "the back way" up mountains on rock covered dirt roads, but we made it to Pokhara.  Tomorrow we begin our trekking journey and, while we're promised good WiFi, I don't believe it for a second.  This is the ONLY good WiFi I've experienced and it's in a restaurant (that has good curry).  The fourth rolling blackout since my arrival just ended.  The lights are on - YAY!
What a place!
First View of the Himalayas

Woman With Offerings and Monkey

This Speaks for Itself

A Flag Salesman in Durbar Square

Girls Getting Married to Fruit - Really!

Offerings for Wishes Granted

At The Monkey Temple

Bodhnath Temple
 With lack of WiFi and electricity, blogs may be intermittent and incomplete.  I'll catch up later!


  1. Amazing blog and photos already! I don't know which is my favorite, although the girls getting married to fruit is very interesting indeed, all great photos, And all with limited wifi!
    Love you!

  2. You know I want to see the body!!!!!

  3. Ruth looks amazing and so beautiful, but I'm still glad it's you and not me. Where did you get your stamina? Please be safe. I hope your knee gets better. Knowing you, you are icing it when possible. I look forward to more posts when you have wifi. I love you. Anna

  4. Wowsers!! I want a momo and to marry some fruit!
